Why am I having trouble loading my ESRI geodb into ArcGIS Online or Portal?

If you have trouble loading an ESRI geodb into ArcGIS Online or Portal, try the following steps.

Solution 1

  1. Reduce length of Vista report name when creating the job. Max number of characters = 15
  2. Try to avoid any special characters or hyphens in the name (underscores are okay!)
  3. Once the report finishes and the email notification has been sent, download the file to your computer.
  4. Rename the file to remove the hype at the end of the file deodatabase name. Example: esri-geodb.gdb to esri_geodb.gdb

Following these steps should allow for the geodatabase to be uploaded to ArcGIS Online/Portal

Solution 2

  1. Reduce length of Vista report name when creating the job. Max number of characters = 15
  2. Try to avoid any special characters or hyphens in the name (underscores are okay!)
  3. Once the report finishes and the email notification has been sent, download the file to your computer.
  4. Open the file geodatabase in ArcGIS Pro or other ArcGIS desktop app. Create a copy of the geodatabase using that program and rename each layer to a shorter name with no special characters
  5. Upload the new geodatabase to ArcGIS Online/Portal

Following these steps should allow for the geodatabase to be uploaded to ArcGIS Online/Portal